通讯地址 :江苏省镇江市学府路 301 号 江苏大学化学化工学院化工系(212013)
电子信箱 : ynsd67128@163.com
1 )水性聚合物涂料和胶黏剂的制备与应用
2 )非线性光学材料的合成及电光性能研究;
3 )超支化聚合物的制备与性能研究
1)基于含氟聚酰亚胺平面波导热光材料的研究, 江苏省高校自然科学基金资助项目;
• D. Y. Yang, L. Han, H. Q. Zhang, F. X. Qiu, Monocomponent Waterborne Polyurethane Adhesives:Influence of the Crosslinking Agent on Their Properties, J. Macromol. Sci., A: Pure Appl. Chem. 48, 2011.
• D. Y. Yang, F. X. Qiu* and P. Zhang ,Preparation and water resistance of crosslinked waterborne polyurethaneurea , Plastics, Rubber and Composites VOL 38 NO 1, 2009.
• Yang Dongya and Qiu Fengxian, Effect of Silica Sol-Modified Nano-Calcium Carbonate on Polyurethane(Urea) Dispersions and Their Films. Polymer & polymer composites, VOL 16 NO 6, 2008.
• Yang Dongya, ZhanQing, Qiu Fengxian, Synthesis and Electro-Optic Property of Intercalation Polyimide and Polyimide/ silica, 2008.2 nd .IEEE International Nanoelectronics conference
• Yang Dongya, Qiu Fengxian, Zhu Fuhong, Wu Dongmei, Zhang Qinqin , Preparation and characterization of nano CaCO 3 modified with silica sol and study of its property , Rare metal materials and engineering , Vol.36, June 2007.
• DONG YA YANG, CHUN PU HU, SHENG KANG YING, Preparation and characterization of waterborne poly (urethane urea) with well-defined hard segments, J Polym Sci. Polym Chem, 2005.6.