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    毛宝东,男,山东菏泽人,研究员,博士生导师,江苏特聘教授。2007年硕士毕业于东北师范大学,师从著名多酸化学家王恩波教授。2012年博士(Ph.D)毕业于美国凯斯西储大学,从事新型量子点合成、超快激光光谱和光催化研究。2012-2014年美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校博士后,从事纳米和有机光电子器件及3D打印研究。2015年加入江苏大学,围绕新型半导体量子点的光电性质调控、超快光谱及清洁能源应用开展了一系列有特色的深入研究。在J Mater. Chem. A, Appl. Catal. B-Environ., J. Phyc. Chem. C 等杂志发表SCI论文70余篇,h-指数221篇入选ESI高被引论文,工作多次被化学化工和材料领域顶级综述文章作为重要进展大段介绍。主持国家和省部级等项目9项,先后入选国家人社部高层次留学人才、江苏特聘教授、江苏省双创团队(核心成员)、江苏省双创博士等多项国家和省部级重要人才计划。


    1. 高效纳米光/电催化分解水制氢催化剂

    2. 新型多元量子点和碳点的制备及清洁能源应用


    2015/01—至今, 江苏大学化学化工学院,研究员

    2012/06 - 2014/08,美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,机械与材料工程系,博士后

    2007/07 - 2012/05,美国凯斯西储大学,Ph.D

    2004/09 - 2007/07,东北师范大学,硕士

    2000/09 - 2004/07,东北师范大学,学士


    1. 国家人社部高层次留学人才回国资助项目,2017-202030万元

    2. 江苏特聘教授项目, 2016-2019100万元

    3. 江苏省双创团队项目(核心成员), 2016-2019300万元

    4. 国家自然科学基金, 2016.01-2018.1223.7万元

    5. 江苏省自然科学基金, 2015-201820万元

    6. 江苏省双创博士计划(境外世界名校类),2015-201715万元

    7. 中国博士后基金面上项目, 2016-20188万元

    8. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目、2013.01-2016.1280万元

    9. 江苏省博士后基金, 2015-20177万元

    10. 江苏大学高级人才启动基金, 2015-2017








    1. 量子点的合成与应用,康振辉、刘阳、毛宝东,科学出版社,2018

    2. Liu, Y.; Mao, B.; Shi, W., Carbon Nitride Fabrication and Its Water-Splitting Applications. In Novel Carbon Materials and Composites, X. Jiang; Z. Kang; Guo, X.; Zhuang, H., Eds. Wiley: 2019; pp 99-136.


    1. Cao, W.; Qin, Y.; Huang, H.; Mao, B.*.; Liu, Y.*; Kang, Z.*, Extraction of High-Quality Quantum Dot Photocatalysts via Combination of Size Selection and Electrochemiluminescence. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019, 7 (24), 20043-20050.

    2. Zhang, K.; Liu, Y.; Wang, B.; Yu, F.; Yang, Y.; Xing, L.; Hao, J.; Zeng, J.; Mao, B.*; Shi, W.*; Yuan, S., Three-dimensional interconnected MoS2 nanosheets on industrial 316L stainless steel mesh as an efficient hydrogen evolution electrode. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44 (3), 1555-1564.

    3. Yang, Y.; Mao, B.*; Gong, G.; Li, D.; Liu, Y.; Cao, W.; Xing, L.; Zeng, J.; Shi, W.*; Yuan, S., In-situ growth of Zn–AgIn5S8 quantum dots on g-C3N4 towards 0D/2D heterostructured photocatalysts with enhanced hydrogen production. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44 (30), 15882-15891.

    4. Yang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Mao, B.*; Luo, B.; Zhang, K.; Wei, W.; Kang, Z.; Shi, W.*; Yuan, S., Facile Surface Engineering of Ag-In-Zn-S Quantum Dot Photocatalysts by Mixed-Ligand Passivation with Improved Charge Carrier Lifetime. Catal. Lett. 2019, 149 (7), 1800-1812.

    5. Tan, L.; Liu, Y.; Mao, B.*; Luo, B.; Gong, G.; Hong, Y.; Chen, B.; Shi, W. *, Effective bandgap narrowing of Cu-In-Zn-S quantum dots for photocatalytic H2 production via cocatalyst-alleviated charge recombination. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2018, 5 (1), 258-265.

    6. Mao, B.; Wang, B.; Yu, F.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, Z.; Hao, J.; Zhong, J.; Liu, Y.*; Shi, W.*, Hierarchical MoS2 nanoflowers on carbon cloth as an efficient cathode electrode for hydrogen evolution under all pH values. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018, 43 (24), 11038-11046.

    7. Wang, B.; Liu, Y.*; Shen, H.*; Mao, B.*, Synergetic Optimization via Composition-Dependent Nanostructuring in Co-Mo-S Electrocatalysts for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline Solution. International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2018, 13 (4), 3501-3515.

    8. Gong, G.; Liu, Y.; Mao, B.*.; Tan, L.; Yang, Y.; Shi, W.*, Ag doping of Zn-In-S quantum dots for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution: Simultaneous bandgap narrowing and carrier lifetime elongation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2017, 216, 11-19.

    9. Shi, W.; Guo, F.; Wang, H.; Guo, S.; Li, H.; Zhou, Y.; Zhu, C.; Liu, Y.; Huang, H.; Mao, B.*; Liu, Y.*; Kang, Z.*, New Insight of Water-Splitting Photocatalyst: H2O2-Resistance Poisoning and Photothermal Deactivation in Sub-micrometer CoO Octahedrons. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (24), 20585-20593.

    10. Gong, G.; Liu, Y.; Mao, B.*; Wang, B.; Tan, L.; Li, D.; Liu, Y.; Shi, W.*, Mechanism study on the photocatalytic efficiency enhancement of MoS2 modified Zn-AgIn5S8 quantum dots. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (101), 99023-99033.

    11. Mao, B. D.; Chuang, C. H.; Zhu, J. J.; Burda, C., Near-infrared Emitting AgInS2/ZnS Nanocrystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118, 13883. (SCI, IF=4.835)

    12. Mao, B.; Yuan, Y.; Shao, Y.; Yang, B.; Xiao, Z.; Huang, J., Alkylamine assisted ultrasound exfoliation of MoS2 naosheets and organic photovoltaic application. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 2014, 6, 685-691. (SCI, IF=1.444)

    13. Mao, B. D.; Dong, Q.; Exstrom, C. L.; Huang, J., Surface thermal stability of iron pyrite nanocrystals: Role of capping ligands. Thin Solid Films 2014, 562, 361. (SCI, IF=1.867)

    14. Mao, B. D.; Dong, Q.; Xiao, Z.; Exstrom, C. L.; Darveau, S. A.; Webber, T. E.; Lund, B. D.; Huang, H; Kang, Z.; Huang, J., Zinc Alloyed Iron Pyrite Ternary Nanocrystals for Band Gap Broadening. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 12060-12065 (封底文章)

    15. Mao, B. D.; Chuang, C. H.; Lu, F.; Sang, L. X.; Zhu, J. J.; Burda, C., Study of the Partial Ag-to-Zn Cation Exchange in AgInS2/ZnS Nanocrystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013, 117 , 648-656. (ESI高被引论文

    16. Mao, B. D.; Chuang, C. H.; Wang, J. W.; Burda, C., Synthesis and photophysical properties of ternary I-III-VI AgInS2 nanocrystals, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011, 115, 8945-8954. (被引180余次)

    17. Mao, B. D.; Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Tian, C. G.; Zhang, Z. M.; Wang, C. L.; Song, Y. L.; Li, M. Y., Template free fabrication of hollow hematite spheres via a one-pot polyoxometalate-assisted hydrolysis process. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2007, 180, 489. (SCI, IF=2.2)

    18. Mao, B. D.; Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Lian, S. Y.; Gao, L.; Tian, C. G.; Wang, C. L., Synthesis of magnetite octahedrons from iron powders through a mild hydrothermal method. Materials Research Bulletin 2006, 41, 12, 2226. 11. (SCI, IF=1.968)

    19. Mao, B. D.; Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Tian, C. G.; Zhang, Z. M.; Wang, C. L.; Li, S. H., Polyoxometalate-assisted one-step fabrication of porous nanorods of beta-FeOOH and the facile transition to hematite. Chemistry Letters 2007, 36, 70. (SCI, IF=1.542)

    20. Mao, B. D.; Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Tian, C. G.; Wang, C. L.; Lan, Y., Fabrication of high quality carbon nanotubes with a simple ethanol-assisted arc discharge process. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2006, 6, 1392. (SCI, IF=1.339)

    21. Yu, Y.-Y.; Fang, Z.; Gao, L.; Song, H.; Yang, L.; Mao, B.; Shi, W.; Yong, Y.-C., Engineering of bacterial electrochemical activity with global regulator manipulation. Electrochemistry Communications 2018, 86, 117-120.

    22. Liu, Z.; Ma, H.; Liu, J.; Xing, L.; Cheng, L.; Yang, J.; Mao, B.; Zhang, Q., A low-cost clay-based heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst: Activation, efficiency enhancement, and mechanism study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 2018, 13 (1).

    23. Liu, Y.; Niu, H.; Gu, W.; Cai, X.; Mao, B.; Li, D.; Shi, W., In-situ construction of hierarchical CdS/MoS 2 microboxes for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic H 2 production. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 339, 117-124.

    24. Shen, H.; Wang, J.; Jiang, J.; Luo, B.; Mao, B.; Shi, W., All-solid-state Z-scheme system of RGO-Cu2O/Bi2O3 for tetracycline degradation under visible-light irradiation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 313, 508-517.

    25. Hong, Y.; Li, C.; Li, D.; Fang, Z.; Luo, B.; Yan, X.; Shen, H.; Mao, B.; Shi, W., Precisely tunable thickness of graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets for visible-light-driven photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Nanoscale 2017, 9 (37), 14103-14110.

    26. Hao, J.; Yang, W.; Hou, J.; Mao, B.; Huang, Z.; Shi, W., Nitrogen doped NiS2 nanoarrays with enhanced electrocatalytic activity for water oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5 (34), 17811-17816.

    27. Chen, B.; Fan, W.; Mao, B.; Shen, H.; Shi, W., Enhanced photoelectrochemical water oxidation performance of a hematite photoanode by decorating with Au-Pt core-shell nanoparticles. Dalton Transactions 2017, 46 (46), 16050-16057.

    28. Jiang, J. H.; Liu, K. L.; Fan, W. Q.; Li, M.; Liu, Y.; Mao, B.; Bai, H. Y.; Shen, H. Q.; Yuan, S. L.; Shi, W. D., Electrospinning synthesis and photocatalytic property of Fe2O3/MgFe2O4 heterostructure for photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline. Mater. Lett. 2016, 176, 1-4.

    29. Jiang, J.; Fan, W.; Zhang, X.; Bai, H.; Liu, Y.; Huang, S.; Mao, B.; Yuan, S.; Liu, C.; Shi, W., Rod-in-tube nanostructure of MgFe2O4: electrospinning synthesis and photocatalytic activities of tetracycline. New J. Chem. 2016, 40 (1), 538-544.

    30. Xiao, Z., Dong, Q., Sharma, P., Yuan, Y., Mao, B. D., Tian, W., Gruverman, A. and Huang, J., Synthesis and the Application of Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) Nanoparticles in Organic Photovoltaic Devices for High Efficiency, Advanced Energy Materials, 2013, 3,1581–1588. (SCI, IF=10.0, 封底文章)

    31. Sang, L.; Gole, J. L.; Wang, J.; Brauer, J. I.; Mao, B. D.; Prokes, S. M.; Burda, C., Phase Transformation and Charge Transfer in Heavily Iron Ion Doped Titanium Oxide and Oxynitride Nanocolloids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013, 117 (29), 15287–15294. (SCI, IF=4.835)

    32. Wang, J.; Mao, B. D.; White, M. G.; Burda, C.; Gole, J. L., Interactive metal ion-silicon oxidation/reduction processes on fumed silica. Rsc Advances 2012, 2, (27), 10209-10216. (SCI, IF=2.56)

    33. Dyck, J. S.; Mao, B. D.; Wang, J. W.; Dorroh, S.; Burda, C., Effect of Sintering on the Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Bulk Nanostructured Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Pellets Prepared by Chemical Synthesis. Journal of Electronic Materials 2012, 41, (6), 1408-1413. (SCI, IF=1.6)

    34. Wang, J.; Mao, B. D.; Gole, J. L.; Burda, C., Visible-light-driven reversible and switchable hydrophobic to hydrophilic nitrogen-doped titania surfaces: correlation with photocatalysis. Nanoscale 2010, 2, 10, 2257. (SCI, IF=6.2)

    35. Song, Y. L.; Wang, E. B.; Tian, C. G.; Mao, B. D.; Wang, C. L., Semiconductor/metal nanocomposites formed by in situ reduction method in multilayer thin films. Materials Research Bulletin 2009, 44, 1, 30. (SCI, IF=1.91)

    36. Wang, C. L.; Wang, E. B.; Lan, Y.; Li, Q. Y.; Mao, B. D.; Tian, C. G., Nucleation and growth of ZnO nanocrystals in polymer films. Thin Solid Films 2008, 516, 18, 6058. (SCI, IF=1.89)

    37. Li, S. H.; Wang, E. B.; Tian, C. G.; Mao, B. D.; Song, Y. L.; Wang, C. L.; Xu, L., In situ fabrication of amino acid-polyoxometalate nanoparticle functionalized ultrathin films and relevant electrochemical property study. Materials Research Bulletin 2008, 43, 11, 2880. (SCI, IF=1.91)

    38. Li, S. H.; Wang, E. B.; Tian, C. G.; Mao, B. D.; Kang, Z. H.; Li, Q. Y.; Sun, G. Y., Jingle-bell-shaped ferrite hollow sphere with a noble metal core: Simple synthesis and their magnetic and antibacterial properties. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2008, 181, 7, 1650. (SCI, IF=2.04)

    39. Li, Q. Y.; Kang, Z. H.; Mao, B. D.; Wang, E. B.; Wang, C. L.; Tian, C. G.; Li, S. H., One-step polyoxometalate-assisted solvothermal synthesis of ZnO microspheres and their photoluminescence properties. Materials Letters 2008, 62, 15, 2531.(SCI, IF=2.224)

    40. Zhang, Z. M.; Wang, E. B.; Qi, Y. F.; Li, Y. G.; Mao, B. D.; Su, Z. M., Synthesis, characterization, and crystal structures of double-cubane-substituted and asymmetric penta-Ni-substituted dimeric polyoxometalates. Crystal Growth & Design 2007, 7, 7, 1305. (SCI, IF=4.69)

    41. Wang, C. L.; Mao, B. D.; Wang, E. B.; Kang, Z. H.; Tian, C. G., Solution synthesis of ZnO nanotubes via a template-free hydrothermal route. Solid State Communications 2007, 141, 11, 620. (SCI, IF=1.53)

    42. Tian, C. T.; Mao, B. D.; Wang, E. B.; Kang, Z. H.; Song, Y. L.; Wang, C. L.; Li, S. H.; Xu, L., One-step, size-controllable synthesis of stable Ag nanoparticles. Nanotechnology 2007, 18, 28. (SCI, IF=3.84)

    43. Tian, C. G.; Mao, B. D.; Wang, E. B.; Kang, Z. H.; Song, Y. L.; Wang, C. L.; Li, S. H., Simple strategy for preparation of core colloids modSCI, IFied with metal nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2007, 111, 9, 3651. (SCI, IF=4.835)

    44. Lan, Y.; Wang, E.; Kang, Z. H.; Wang, C. L.; Mao, B. D.; Tian, C. U.; Xu, L.; Li, M. Y., Facile and controllable synthesis of polyoxometalate nanorods within polyelectrolyte matrix. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 316, 893. (SCI, IF=3.17)

    45. Lan, Y.; Mao, B. D.; Wang, E. B.; Song, Y. H.; Kang, Z. H.; Wang, C. L.; Tian, C. G.; Zhang, C.; Xu, L.; Li, Z., In-situ fabrication of hybrid polyoxometalate nanoparticles composite films. Thin Solid Films 2007, 515, 7-8, 3397. (SCI, IF=1.89)

    46. Tian, C. G.; Wang, E. B.; Kang, Z. H.; Mao, B. D.; Zhang, C.; Lan, Y.; Wang, C. L.; Song, Y. L., Synthesis of Ag-coated polystyrene colloids by an improved surface seeding and shell growth technique. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2006, 179, 11, 3270. (SCI, IF=2.04)

    47. Tian, C. G.; Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Mao, B. D.; Li, S. H.; Su, Z. M.; Xu, L., 'One-step' controllable synthesis of Ag and Ag2S nanocrystals on a large scale. Nanotechnology 2006, 17, 22, 5681. (SCI, IF=3.84)

    48. Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Mao, B. D.; Su, Z. M.; Tian, C. G.; Xu, L., Controlled cutting carbon nanotube with polyoxometalates assisted renewable method. Materials Letters 2006, 60, 17-18, 2266. (SCI, IF=2.224)

    49. Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Mao, B. D.; Su, Z. M.; Gao, L.; Niu, L.; Shan, H. Y.; Xu, L., Heterogeneous hydroxylation catalyzed by multi-walled carbon nanotubes at low temperature. Applied Catalysis A-General 2006, 299, 212. (SCI, IF=3.41)

    50. Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Mao, B. D.; Su, Z. M.; Chen, L.; Xu, L., Obtaining carbon nanotubes from grass. Nanotechnology 2005, 16, 8, 1192. (SCI, IF=3.84)

    51. Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Lian, S. Y.; Mao, B. D.; Chen, L.; Xu, L., Surfactant-assisted electrochemical method for dendritic silver nanocrystals with advanced structure. Materials Letters 2005, 59, 18, 2289. (SCI, IF=2.224)

    52. Gao, L.; Wang, E. B.; Kang, Z. H.; Song, Y. L.; Mao, B. D.; Xu, L., Layer-by-layer assembly of polyoxometalates into microcapsules. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109, 35, 16587. (SCI, IF=3.607)

    53. Kang, Z. H.; Wang, E. B.; Mao, B. D.; Su, Z. M.; Lei, G.; Lian, S. Y.; Lin, X., Controllable fabrication of carbon nanotube and nanobelt with a polyoxometalate-assisted mild hydrothermal process. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127, 18, 6534. (SCI, IF=10.677)


    1. J. Huang, B. Mao, Iron pyrite nanocrystals, US Patent (美国专利): 20,130,119,346, 2013.

    2. 毛宝东、宫关、施伟东、王勃、谭丽丽,一种制备四元硫化物量子点基异质结高效光催化剂方法,中国专利:201610048468.72016

    3. 毛宝东 宫关、 刘艳红、 陈天俊、 王勃、谭丽丽,一种制备Ag:ZnIn2S4发光量子点和光催化剂的方法,中国专利:201610273320.32016
