| 职称 教授 邮箱 pjm@ujs.edu.cn 研究方向 分子辨识吸附分离 |
潘建明,二级教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年基金获得者,化学化工学院院长,中国化工学会分子辨识分离工程专委会委员、过程强化专委会青年委员、《盐湖研究》青年编委。长期从事液滴反应器构筑吸附材料、分子印迹强化辨识分离的研究,共发表第一/通讯作者SCI论文150余篇(影响因子大于10的70余篇,ESI 高被引论文12篇);授权中国发明专利(第一发明人)30余项(转让16项),PCT专利授权3项;主持国家自然科学基金7项(国家优秀青年基金1项、区域联合重点项目1项)、江苏省重点研发项目等省部级项目13项;科研成果获得江苏省科技进步二等奖1项(第一)、中国石油与化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖1项(第一);主编了专著《分子印迹技术及其研究进展》、《现代分子印迹辨识技术》和研究生教材《分离科学与技术》。近年来,先后获评/入选江苏省优秀博士论文、江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才、江苏省“333”工程培养对象、江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人、中国化工学会侯德榜化工青年奖、江苏省科技副总等称号。
2016.07-2017.07 美国斯坦福大学化学系、访问学者
2007.09-2012.06 江苏大学化学化工学院、硕博连读
2001.09-2005.06 江苏大学化学化工学院、本科
2017.10 至今 江苏大学化学化工学院、教授
2014.08-2017.04 江苏大学化学化工学院、副教授
2012.06-2014.07 江苏大学化学化工学院、讲师
《分子印迹技术及其研究进展》 (第二作者)
1. 潘建明,分子印迹选择性分离,国家自然科学基金/优秀青年基金,2019.01-2021.12
2. 潘建明,识别位点“多维空间”分布多级孔印迹整体柱的可控构筑及其选择性提锂行为与机理研究,国家自然科学基金委/盐湖联合基金项目,2017.01-2019.12
3. 潘建明,Pickering高内相乳液模板构建双重识别自支撑多孔印迹膜选择性分离纯化木犀草素的研究,国家自然科学基金/面上项目,2016.01-2019.12
4. 潘建明,多重识别自支撑多孔印迹膜的可控制备及其选择性提取分离花生壳废渣中的木犀草素,江苏省六大人才高峰项目,2015.10-2017.10;
[1] Jianming Pan*, Wei Chen, Yue Ma, Guoqing Pan. Molecularly imprinted polymers as receptor mimics for selective cell recognition. Chemical Society Reviews. 2018,47(15),5574-87.
[2] Xiaowei Zeng, Gan Liu, Wei Tao, Yue Ma, Xudong Zhang, Fan He, Jianming Pan*, Lin Mei*, Guoqing Pan*. A drug-self-gated mesoporous antitumor nanoplatform based on pH-sensitive dynamic covalent bond[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27: 1605985.
[3] Xudong Zheng, Enli Liu, Fusheng Zhang, Yongsheng Yan*, Jianming Pan*. Efficient adsorption and separation of dysprosium from NdFeB magnets in an acidic system by ion imprinted mesoporous silica sealed in a dialysis bag[J]. Green Chemistry, 2016, 18: 5031-5040.
[4] Heping Gao, Jianming Pan*, Donglai Han, Yunlei Zhang, Weidong Shi, Jun Zeng, Yinxian Peng*, Yongsheng Yan. Facile synthesis of microcellular foam catalysts with adjustable hierarchical porous structure, acid-base strength and wettability for biomass energy conversion[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3: 13507-13518.
[5] Runrun Wu, Jianming Pan*, Guoqing Pan*, Xiaohui Dai, Wenli Zhang, Yue Ma. Smart bio-interface for spatio-confined dynamic reversible bacterial capture and release[J]. Journal of Controlled Release, 2017, 259: e119.
[6] Juntong Yao, Yue Ma, Jinxin Liu, Shucheng Liu, Jianming Pan*. Janus-like boronate affinity magnetic molecularly imprinted nanobottles for specific adsorption and fast separation of luteolin. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019,356,436-44.
[7] Xiaojing Wang, Xueping Chen, Yinxian Peng, Jianming Pan*. Silver-modified porous polystyrene sulfonate derived from Pickering high internal phase emulsions for capturing lithium-ion. Rsc Advances. 2019,9(13),7228-37.
[8] Pan Wang, Hengjia Zhu, Jinxin Liu, Yue Ma, Juntong Yao, Xiaohui Dai, Jianming Pan*. Double affinity integrated MIPs nanoparticles for specific separation of glycoproteins: A combination of synergistic multiple bindings and imprinting effect. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019,358,143-52.
[9] Pan Wang, Jinxin Liu, Xueping Chen, Xinmin Ma, Danzhao Guo, Zhenjiang Li, Jianming Pan*. Janus silica nanosheets-based MMIPs platform for synergetic selective capture and fast separation of 2 '-deoxyadenosine: Two different components segmented on the surface of one object. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019,369,793-802.
[10] Linjie Wang, Kun Ye, Jianming Pan*, Hongwei Song, Xiangheng Niu. A novel alkaline phosphatase assay based on the specific chromogenic interaction between Fe3+ and ascorbic acid 2-phosphate. Analytical Methods. 2019,11(18),2374-7.
[11] Yue Ma, Xiaohua Tian, Lei Liu, Jianming Pan*, Guoqing Pan. Dynamic Synthetic Biointerfaces: From Reversible Chemical Interactions to Tunable Biological Effects. Accounts of Chemical Research. 2019,52(6),1611-22.
[12] Shucheng Liu, Xuan Zhang, Yue Ma, Xue Bai, Xueping Chen, Jinxin Liu, Jianming Pan*. Immobilization of boronic acid and vinyl-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes in hybrid hydrogel via light-triggered chemical polymerization for aqueous phase molecular recognition. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019,355,740-51.
[13] Jinxin Liu, Pan Wang, Mengdie Zhou, Yue Ma, Xiangheng Niu, Guoqing Pan, Jianming Pan*. Tailored Janus silica nanosheets integrating bispecific artificial receptors for simultaneous adsorption of 2,6-dichlorophenol and Pb(II). Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2019,7(27),16161-75.
[14] Peiyan He, Hengjia Zhu, Yue Ma, Na Li, Xiangheng Niu, Maobin Wei, Jianming Pan*. Rational design and fabrication of surface molecularly imprinted polymers based on multi-boronic acid sites for selective capture glycoproteins. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019,367,55-63.
[15] Hengjia Zhu, Hang Yao, Kexu Xia, Jinxin Liu, Xiulian Yin, Wenli Zhang, Jianming Pan*. Magnetic nanoparticles combining teamed boronate affinity and surface imprinting for efficient selective recognition of glycoproteins under physiological pH. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018,346,317-28.
[16] Runrun Wu, Yue Ma, Jianming Pan*, Shih-Hui Lee, Jinxin Liu, Hengjia Zhu, Runxin Gu, Kenneth J. Shea, Guoqing Pan. Efficient capture, rapid killing and ultrasensitive detection of bacteria by a nano-decorated multi-functional electrode sensor. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2018,101,52-9.
[17] Shucheng Liu, Jianming Pan*, Jinxin Liu, Yue Ma, Fengxian Qiu, Lin Mei, Xiaowei Zeng, Guoqing Pan. Dynamically PEGylated and Borate-Coordination-Polymer-Coated Polydopamine Nanoparticles for Synergetic Tumor-Targeted, Chemo-Photothermal Combination Therapy. Small. 2018,14(13).
[18] Shucheng Liu, Yue Ma, Lin Gao, Jianming Pan*. pH-responsive magnetic metal-organic framework nanocomposite: A smart porous adsorbent for highly specific enrichment of cis-diol containing luteolin. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018,341,198-207.
[19] Jinxin Liu, Runrun Wu, Runxin Gu, Fengxian Qiu, Jianming Pan*. Simple formation of chitosan tablet with self-supporting blocks: Fe-3(+) - mediated supramolecular coordination. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018,341,648-57.
[20] Jinxin Liu, Jianming Pan*, Yue Ma, Shucheng Liu, Fengxian Qiu, Yongsheng Yan. A versatile strategy to fabricate dual-imprinted porous adsorbent for efficient treatment co-contamination of lambda-cyhalothrin and copper(II). Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018,332,517-27.
[21] Wei Huang, Shucheng Liu, Jinxin Liu, Wenli Zhang, Jianming Pan*. 2-Methylol-12-crown-4 ether immobilized PolyHIPEs toward recovery of lithium(i). New Journal of Chemistry. 2018,42(20),16814-22.
[22] Xue Bai, Shucheng Liu, Jinxin Liu, Yue Ma, Wenli Zhang, Jianming Pan*. Specific uptake luteolin by boronate affinity-based single-hole hollow imprinted polymers sealed in dialysis bags. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018,353,911-9.
[23] Shucheng Liu, Jianming Pan*, Xiaohui Dai, Fengxian Qiu, Yue Ma, Fan He, Guoqing Pan*. Janus-faced and pH-responsive nanohybrids for synergistic targeted drug delivery[J]. Journal of Controlled Release, 2017,259: e39-e40.
[24] Runrun Wu, Jianming Pan*, Weidong Shi, Guoqing Pan*, Xiaohui Dai, Jiangdong Dai, Yijie Yin. A traceable porous bowl-like PLA@C-dots composite for in vitro drug delivery system: A case study of artemisinin[J]. Journal of Controlled Release, 2015,213: e50.
[25] Shucheng Liu, Jinxin Liu, Jianming Pan*, Jialu Luo, Xiangheng Niu*, Tao Zhang, Fengxian Qiu. Two are better than one: halloysite nanotubes-supported surface imprinted nanoparticles using synergy of metal chelating and low pKa boronic acid monomers for highly specific luteolin binding under neutral condition[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9: 33191-33202.
[26] Runrun Wu, Jianming Pan*, Xiaohui Dai, Dong Qiu*, Hengjia Zhu, Yue Ma, Weidong Shi, Yongsheng Yan. A hierarchical rippled and crumpled PLA microstructure generated through double emulsion: the interesting roles of Pickering nanoparticles[J]. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51: 16251-16254.
[27] Shucheng Liu, Sudhirkumar Shinde, Jianming Pan*, Yue Ma, Yongsheng Yan, Guoqing Pan. Interface-induced growth of boronate-based metal-organic framework membrane on porous carbon substrate for aqueous phase molecular recognition[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 324: 216-227.
[28] Yan Liu*, Xiao Hu, Zhanchao Liu, Minjia Meng, Jianming Pan*, Yinhua Jiang, Liang Ni, Weifu Wu. A novel dual temperature responsive mesoporous imprinted polymer for Cd(II) adsorption and temperature switchable controlled separation and regeneration[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 328: 11-24.
[29] Jianming Pan*, Jinxin Liu, Yue Ma, Xiaobin Huang, Xiangheng Niu, Tao Zhang, Xueping Chen, Fengxian Qiu*. Wulff-type boronic acids suspended hierarchical porous polymeric monolith for the specific capture of cis-diol-containing flavone under neutral condition[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 317: 317-330.
[30] Jianming Pan*, Xiaobin Huang, Lin Gao, Yinxian Peng, Shucheng Liu, Runxing Gu. Experimental investigation of a natural favonoid adsorption on macroporous polymers with intrinsic cis-diol moieties recognition function: Static and dynamic methods[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017,312: 263-274.
[31] Jianming Pan*, Yijie Yin, Mengyin Gan, Minjia Meng, Xiaohui Dai*, Runrun Wu, Weidong Shi, Yongsheng Yan. Fabrication and evaluation of molecularly imprinted multi-hollow microspheres adsorbents with tunable inner pore structures derived from templating Pickering double emulsions[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015,266: 299-308.
[32] Jianming Pan*, Jun Zeng, Qin Cao, Heping Gao, Yongchao Gen, Yinxian Peng, Xiaohui Dai*, Yongsheng Yan. Hierarchical macro and mesoporous foams synthesized by HIPEs template and interface grafted route for simultaneous removal of λ-cyhalothrin and copper ions[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 284: 1361-1372.
[33] Jianming Pan*, Qin Qu, Jun Cao, Dong Yan, Jinxin Liu, Xiaohui Dai*, Yongsheng Yan. Molecularly imprinted polymer foams with well-defined open-cell structure derived from Pickering HIPEs and their enhanced recognition of λ-cyhalothrin[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 253: 138-147.
[34] Jianming Pan*, Yijie Yin, Yue Ma, Fengxian Qiu*, Yongsheng Yan, Xiangheng Niu, Tao Zhang, Xue Bai. Hierarchical porous molecule/ion imprinted polymers with double specific binding sites: Combination of Pickering HIPEs template and pore-filled strategy[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 301: 210-221.
[35] Jianming Pan*, Yue Ma, Jun Zeng, Xianghen Niu, Tao Zhang, Fengxian Qiu, Yinxian Peng, Yongsheng Yan. Facile assembly of hollow polydopamine capsules onto macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate) foams for simultaneous removal of λ-cyhalothrin and copper ions[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 302: 670-681.
[36] Yijie Yin, Jianming Pan*, Jun Cao, Yue Ma, Guoqing Pan*, Runrun Wu, Xiaohui Dai, Minjia Meng, Yongsheng Yan. Rationally designed hybrid molecularly imprinted polymer foam for highly efficient λ-cyhalothrin recognition and uptake via twice imprinting strategy[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 286: 485-496.
[37] Shucheng Liu, Jianming Pan*, Hengjia Zhu, Guoqing Pan*, Fengxian Qiu, Minjia Meng, Juntong Yao, Dong Yuan. Graphene oxide based molecularly imprinted polymers with double recognition abilities: The combination of covalent boronic acid and traditional non-covalent monomers[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 290: 220-231.
[38] Shucheng Liu, Jianming Pan*, Jun Cao, Xiaohui Dai*, Minjia Meng, Runrun Wu, Juntong Yao, Yongsheng Yan. Simultaneous removal of Pb(II) and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by a hierarchical porous PU@PDA@MSNs sponge with reversible “shape memory” effect[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 284: 10-20.
[39] Yunlei Zhang, Jianming Pan*, Yao Chen, Weidong Shi*, Yongsheng Yan, Longbao Yu. HIPEs template: Towards the synthesis of polymeric catalysts with adjustable porous structure, acid–base strength and wettability for biomass energy conversation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 283: 956-970.
[40] Mengying Gan, Jianming Pan*, Yunlei Zhang, Xiaohui Dai*, Yijie Yin, Qin Qu, Yongsheng Yan. Molecularly imprinted polymers derived from lignin-based Pickering emulsions and their selectively adsorption of lambda-cyhalothrin[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 257: 317-327.
[41] Jun Zeng, Yinxian Peng*, Janming Pan*, Heping Gao, Runrun Wu, Yijie Yin, Yongsheng Yan. Convenient synthesis of micron-sized macroporous polymers with dents on their surfaces and excellent adsorption performance for λ-cyhalothrin[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 266: 1-11.
[42] Shucheng Liu, Jianming Pan*, Yue Ma, Fengxian Qiu*, Xiangheng Niu, Tao Zhang, Lili Yang. Three-in-one strategy for selective adsorption and effective separation of cis-diol containing luteolin from peanut shell coarse extract using PU/GO/BA-MOF composite[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 306: 655-666.
[43] Wenjing Zhu, Wei Ma, Chunxiang Li*, Jianming Pan*, Xiaohui Dai. Well-designed multihollow magnetic imprinted microspheres based on cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) stabilized Pickering double emulsion polymerization for selective adsorption of bifenthrin[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 276: 249-260.
[44] Jianming Pan*, Linzi Li, Hui Hang, Hongxiang Ou, Liang Zhang, Yongsheng Yan, Weidong Shi*. Study on the nonylphenol removal from aqueous solution using magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers based on fly-ash-cenospheres[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 223: 824-832.
[45] Yunlei Zhang, Jianming Pan*, Yating Shen, Weidong Shi*, Chunbo Liu, Longbao Yu. Brønsted Acidic Polymer Nanotubes with Tunable Wettability toward Efficient Conversion of One-Pot Cellulose to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2015, 3: 871-879.
[46] Jianming Pan*, Runrun Wu, Xiaohui Dai, Yijie Yin, Guoqing Pan*, Minjia Meng, Weidong Shi, Yongsheng Yan. A Hierarchical Porous Bowl-like PLA@MSNs-COOH Composite for pH-Dominated Long-Term Controlled Release of Doxorubicin and Integrated Nanoparticle for Potential Second Treatment[J]. Biomacromolecules, 2015,16: 1131-1145.
[47] Tao Zhang, Xuejie Yue, Lele Gao, Fengxian Qiu*, Jicheng Xu, Jian Rong, Jianming Pan*. Hierarchically porous bismuth oxide/layered double hydroxide composites: Preparation, characterization and iodine adsorption[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 144: 220-227.
[48] Xiangheng Niu*, Yanfang He, Wenchi Zhang, Xin Li, Fengxian Qiu, Jianming Pan*. Elimination of background color interference by immobilizing Prussian blue on carbon cloth: A monolithic peroxidase mimic for on-demand photometric sensing[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 256: 151-159.
[49] Xiangheng Niu*, Yanfang He, Jianming Pan*, Xin Li, Fengxian Qiu, Yongsheng Yan, Libo Shi, Hongli Zhao, Minbo Lan*. Uncapped nanobranch-based CuS clews used as an efficient peroxidase mimic enable the visual detection of hydrogen peroxide and glucose with fast response[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2016, 947: 42-49.
[50] Jianming Pan*, Yanli Mao, Heping Gao, Qingang Xiong*, Fengxian Qiu, Tao Zhang, Xiangheng Niu. Fabrication of hydrophobic polymer foams with double acid sites on surface of macropore for conversion of carbohydrate[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 143: 212-222.
[51] Xiangheng Niu, Qingang Xiong, Jianming Pan*, Xin Li, Wenchi Zhang, Fengxian Qiu, Yongsheng Yan. Highly active and durable methanol electro-oxidation catalyzed by small palladium nanoparticles inside sulfur-doped carbon microsphere[J]. Fuel, 2017, 190: 174-181.
[52] Chunbo Liu*, Zhilong Song, Jianming Pan*, Xiao Wei, Lin Gao, Yongsheng Yan, Linzi Li, Juan Wang, Rui Chen, Jiangdong Dai, Ping Yu. Molecular Imprinting in Fluorescent Particle Stabilized Pickering Emulsion for Selective and Sensitive Optosensing of λ-Cyhalothrin[J]. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117: 10445-10453.
[53] Hengjia Zhu, Jianming Pan*, Jun Cao, Yue Ma, Fengxian Qiu*, Wenli Zhang, Yongsheng Yan. Ion/molecule imprinted polymers with double binding sites via twice imprinting strategy for selective and simultaneous removal of λ-cyhalothrin and Cu(II)[J]. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017, 49: 198-207.
[54] Jixiang Wang, Jianming Pan*, Yijie Yin, Runrun Wu, Xiaohui Dai*, Jiangdong Dai, Lin Gao, Hongxiang Ou. Thermo-responsive and magnetic molecularly imprinted Fe3O4@carbon nanospheres for selective adsorption and controlled release of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol[J]. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2015, 25: 321-328.
[55] Chunbo Liu*, Zhilong Song, Jianming Pan*, Yongsheng Yan, Zhijing Cao, Xiao Wei, Lin Gao, Juan Wang, Jiangdong Dai, Minjia Meng, Ping Yu. A simple and sensitive surface molecularly imprinted polymers based fluorescence sensor for detection of λ-Cyhalothrin[J]. Talanta, 2014,125: 14-23.
[56] Jianming Pan*, Linzi Li, Hui Hang, Runrun Wu, Xiaohui Dai, Weidong Shi*, Yongsheng Yan. Fabrication and evaluation of magnetic/hollow double-shelled imprinted sorbents formed by Pickering emulsion polymerization[J]. Langmuir, 2013, 29: 8170-8178.
1. 2016年 中国商业联合会科技进步二等奖(第一);
2. 2015年 中国石油与化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖(第一);