
    发布日期:2022年09月09日 15:53 点击:








    王高继,男,博士,副教授。2021年博士毕业于马克斯普朗克生物控制论研究所,研究兴趣为大环稀土配合物的合成以及其荧光、磁性及生物检测探针应用等相关研究。擅长磁共振MRI造影剂的设计及其NMR核磁信号的测量(包括T1/T2权重模式,paraCEST模式,19F模式);擅长小分子配合物的晶体生长和晶体的结构解析。目前在Angewandte Chemie International EditionInorganic ChemistryDalton Transactions等国际高质量期刊上发表SCI论文多篇。主持国家自然科学基金和江苏省自然科学基金等项目。2022年入选江苏省双创博士人才计划。





    2009/09 -2013/06,东北林业大学,化学,学士学位



    2022/06-现在,     江苏大学化学化工学院,副教授




    1. 稀土配合物的制备与发光及磁性研究

    2. 生物分子探针的设计与识别检测研究

    3. 晶体生长与结构解析



    1. 国家自然科学基金,青年项目,2023.01 - 2025.12,主持

    2. 江苏省自然科学基金,青年项目,2022.07 - 2025.06,主持

    3. 江苏省双创博士项目(世界名校类)2022.09 - 2024.08,主持

    4. 中国博士后科学基金,面上项目,2022.06 - 2025.12,主持

    5. 江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金,2021.09 - 2024.12,主持



    1. Gaoji Wang, Harlei Martin, Susana Amézqueta, Clara Ràfols, Célia S. Bonnet*, and Goran Angelovski* Insights into the Responding Modes of Highly Potent Gadolinium-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Probes Sensitive to Zinc Ions. Inorg. Chem. 2022. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01960 (封面)

    2. Paulo Pérez-Lourido, Enikő Madarasi, Fanni Antal, David Esteban-Gómez, Gaoji Wang, Goran Angelovski,   Carlos Platas-Iglesias*, Gyula Tircsó and Laura Valencia* Stable and Inert Macrocyclic Cobalt(II) and Nickel(II) Complexes with paraCEST Response. Dalton Trans., 2022,51: 1580-1593.

    3. Goretti Castro, Gaoji Wang, Tanja Gambino, David Esteban-Gómez, Laura Valencia, Goran Angelovski, Carlos Platas-Iglesias*, and Paulo Pérez-Lourido* Lanthanide(III) Complexes Based on an 18-Membered Macrocycle Containing Acetamide Pendants. Structural Characterization and paraCEST Properties. Inorg. Chem. 2021,60: 1902-1914.

    4. Gaoji Wang, Goran Angelovski.* Highly potent MRI contrast agent displaying outstanding sensitivity to zinc ions.  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2021,60: 5734–5738.

    5. Gaoji Wang, Goran Angelovski.* Macrocyclic chelates bridged by a diaza-crown ether: towards multinuclear bimodal molecular imaging probes. Molecules. 2021,25: 5019.

    6. Gaoji Wang, Carlos Platas-Iglesias and Goran Angelovski.* Europium(III) macrocyclic chelates appended with tyrosine-based chromophores and di-(2-picolyl)amine-based receptors: turn-on luminescent chemosensors selective to zinc(II) ions. ChemPlusChem. 2020,85: 806-814. (封面)

    7. Gaoji Wang, Yongqing Wei and Kechen Wu.* Mixed d/f Complexes Zn(H2L)Ln(NO3)3 (Ln=Sm, Tb and Dy): Crystal Structure, Fluorescence and Thermal Stability. Chin. J. Struc. Chem., 2016,35, 1383-1390.

    8. Gaoji Wang, Yongqing Wei* and Kechen Wu.* Heterovalent 2EuII /4EuIII and Trivalent 5EuIII Clusters Assembled with a Macrocyclic Cyclen Derivative Ligand: Molecular Structures, Oxidation Stabilities, and Luminescence Properties. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2016,24, 3927-3931.

    9. Gaoji Wang, Yongqing Wei and Kechen Wu.* Goblet-shaped pentanuclear lanthanide clusters assembled with a cyclen derivative ligand exhibiting slow magnetic relaxation. Dalton Trans., 2016,45, 12734-12738.

    10. Yongqing Wei, Gaoji Wang and Kechen Wu.* First Eu(II)/Ln(III) mixed Complex with High oxidative Stability. Cryst. Growth Des. 2015,15, 5288–5292.