I am Yusuf Bashir Adegbemiga, a doctoral candidate from Nigeria.
I major in School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, as a second year Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Yuanguo Xu, I research in overall fabrication/ synthesis of nanomaterials for oxygen evolution reaction (OER), hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and overall water-splitting approaches.
I have published 2 SCI paper where I was the first author and co-authored 3 more.
My research experiences have been versatile so far under the professional guidance and supervision of my supervisor (Prof. Yuanguo Xu) and advices from other teachers in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and beyond. Additionally, my research results during my study in Jiangsu University has been on the top notch due to my exposure to sophisticated machine and expertise.
My living/ studying experiences in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering has been the most beautiful of all. My supervisor has been the most helpful person I never met, he doesn’t scold, rather he encourages and advice on proper guidance about how to go by every angle of research. Also, my Chinese lab-mates/friends from the other laboratory has been of a great in learning many research scopes and software.
My profound gratitude goes to Chinese government for creating an enabling environment and for serious hard work done on easing the life and properties of citizens and foreigner in China. Secondly, all praises go to the Jiangsu University Presidential Scholarship for selecting me as one of the most privileged candidates to enjoy the scholarship scheme. Also, I give gratitude to my supervisor for Prof. Yuanguo Xu for creating and enabling environment for my studies and research work at large. Lastly, I thank this scholarship scheme (Jiangsu Provincial Scholarship) for creating a podium to ease studying/ staying in China for common individual like myself. I say a big thank you.